Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend Special!

We are all very thankful for our families and the little one's who brighten up our lives every day.  BUT, there is a place and a time to cherish these people and special moments.  Holiday shopping and parties are NOT one of them.  This Thanksgiving catch something (and not the flu) that you don't want to miss! 

Purchase your 6-month OR 1-year TBC Membership for 50% off!!  The 6-month membership will be reduced to $100 and the 1-year will be reduced to $200.

No need to worry about your babysitter cancelling, finding a sitter last minute, and you can skip the interviewing process.  We will match a babysitter to your families needs who is CPR certified, background checked, personally interviewed, reference checked, and drug tested.

What a TBC Membership includes:

•Hourly savings

• Three-hour minimum instead of a four-hour minimum

• $25 discount on last-minute bookings

• 10% discounted membership renewal

This purchase can be purchased November 25th- 27th ONLY, so don't miss out! Check us out at for the full scoop and e-mail or to purchase or if you have any questions at all. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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