Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How Should The Babysitter Discipline Children?

**TBC never uses physical discipline.

"What are your weaknesses?" The dreaded interview question, that I didn't even prepare myself for when I applied to the daycare six years ago. However, I didn't hesitate to answer, "I have no idea how to discipline children!" I knew, from babysitting since I was 12-years-old, that the time-out method was effective. But what if the children never heard of time-out? Some parents have told me I just need to stand my ground and make sure they don't walk all over me. How do I do that? I can't yell at your child!

Julie Pron from Just Precious told us, "I recommend that they [babysitters]separate the kids when they are misbehaving. Most of the time, they misbehave when they're interacting with each other. They always have a choice, sit on different couches for a bit, away from each other, or go rest in their rooms."

Check out this post from Smartbabysitting.com How Smart Babysitters Discipline ChildrenIt states, "The behavior that receives the most attention, is the behavior that will happen the most." I once had an 11-year-old girl tell me to stop reacting to her 8-year-old brothers acting out, because he liked it. You know what, she was right. Once I stopped giving him the attention he stopped misbehaving.

Geri Fisher told us, "I want the babysitters to be firm and not be a "pushover" and not to get taken advantage of. They should be positive toward the kids and consistent." Nobody wants to be the mean babysitter.  Meanwhile, parents want their children to like their babysitter, so they can enjoy their time out.  I think Geri is right, staying positive is very important.

So whether you use a time out, reward good behavior, or take the older siblings advice, there IS something you can do as a babysitter to discipline the children.

So now, parents we want to know what you suggest your babysitters doing when the children misbehave? And babysitters, do you have any techniques that work well for you?

1 comment:

  1. well for me its a bit difficult for 2 reasons
    1. im 12
    2. theres only one child
    well actually i said 2 reasons theres actually 3 now
    3. The parents told me to not let her just do what she wants to do, we have to do something i want to do too. well.....how am i supposed to say we are gonna do my game now without sounding horrible?
    When im giving her a bath and she isnt aloud to use certain soaps because of sensative skin and she really really wants to use the fairy soap and gets really stubborn... what do i do?

    so far what i have done is say: mummy said you need to use this shampoo because you could get marks or get itchy on your skin and she says: but i know i dont get marks i live in this house not you and i know i dont get marks.
    and i say: but mummy wants you to use the soap even thopugh it doesnt hurt your skin so just use that one for today.
    then eventually after she gets stubborn she finally uses the soap but i feel like im too soft.
    and when the little girl wants me to stay for book time she lies to her mum and says bree said she would stay for book time. I never said that! i said maybe next time if we bath quick i will do book time with you.
    shes making me look like a bad roll model!
    or a bad babysitter!
    wat do i do?
    help me!
