Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You need to celebrate Valentine’s Day
And we are here for you!
That is an original Elyssa Sobel poem!  Oh boy! I’m so excited to write this blog today, there are so many great crafts, recipes, books, and fun stuff to do for Valentine’s Day! Before you continue reading, please go ahead and book your Valentine’s Day babysitter.  We are almost fully booked in all cities!
Check out the greatness you can do with the kids before and on Valentine’s Day!
Recipe: Valentine's Day Pancakes- for a healthier version use organic products, use whole wheat flower, skim milk, and applesauce instead of butter.
In Elementary school we made Valentine’s Day mailboxes so we could deliver our treats and cards to our peers and teachers on Valentine’s Day. Did you do that too? What are the school aged children doing these days? Please don’t tell me it involves an iPhone app!
Personally, I have always loved Valentine’s day whether I was single or in a relationship.  It’s just a fun holiday when everyone is sweet and you MUST  eat chocolate-it's like a law!  Let’s enjoy this “Hallmark Holiday” and make it especially fun for the special children in our lives!
Elyssa and The Babysitting Company!

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