Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK Day! asked, Why Do We Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day? “Just days after his death in 1968, Congress introduced a bill intended to recognize his birthday as a national holiday, but it took almost 20 years for the bill to become law. Although King’s ideals were embraced by many, there were certainly those who resisted his call for change, and, after his death, worked against recognizing his many achievements.

These groups pointed out the cost to the country (said to be in the billions) of another national holiday on the calendar and questioned why the United States should recognize King over any other well-known person. Yet King’s supporters pressed on, offering up petitions and conducting marches--just the way King would have done things himself--until the bill was signed into law and the first official Martin Luther King Jr. Day was celebrated in 1986.”

To educate your children about Black History Month and Martin Luther King Jr. please check out this list of recommended books from
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did nothing but help others and encouraged others to volunteer and do good.  So, while your children have off from school on MLK Day, take this time to teach them to help others and volunteer. 

Ways kids can make a difference:
-Go through toys and donate to kids who are less fortunate. 
-Go through drawers/closets and do a little "spring cleaning" while finding clothes to donate to  your local homeless shelter
-Check out Alex's Lemonade Stand– a foundation created by a four-year-old with cancer, to help raise money for children and their families fighting childhood cancer.
-Check out Cards of Joy– a non profit company started by a 9 year old boy. Matthew and his friends have been selling cards made by Haitians as well as making and selling their own greeting cards.  All money is given to Beyond Borders. (An organization that has been working hand in hand for almost 2 decades with the children of Haiti.)  

Do you know of any other great organizations to teach the children to give back?  Martin Luther King Jr. was a courageous man who put his life on the line to change the country.  We are lucky for people like him, and we should encourage our children to give back and be brave just like he did.

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