Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Let's Play A Game!

Since we work with kids we all know how to have fun and be silly, but now it's our turn to play a game!

Babysitters: If you are spotted wearing a TBC t-shirt you are instantly in the running to win a prize! You can also take a picture of yourself in a qualifying location (pretty much any appropriate,  public place).

Non-babysitters: If you report to either myself or Rachel that you saw someone wearing a TBC t-shirt, and got their name, you are instantly in the drawing also.

Please realize that me and Rachel have eyes everywhere and we are smart (ridiculously smart), so please no teaming up, or cheating, or you will be disqualified.

Have fun!!! Let us know if you have any questions!
Elyssa and The Babysitting Company

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