Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Babysitting Company: Entertainment Edition

This blog is a bit different than our typical blogs. I just felt the need to vent about something I saw on TV the other day.

I do not watch TV often, but when I do the Real Housewives on Bravo are my guilty pleasure! Anyone else?

I decided to watch Real Housewives of New York (on demand) the other day, and oh boy did it tick me off. Now it is time for me to vent.

Warning! If you are not familiar with the characters of the show, you might be a bit confused.

LuAnn, was creating a music video for her latest song, and wanted the rest of the ladies to co-star in it, with her. Ramona told her that she couldn't because it was inappropriate and she didn't want to set a bad example for her 16-year-old daughter. Understandable.

But wait, in every single episode Ramona is drinking bottles and bottles of Pinot Grigio. Not to mention, it appears she is quite the drama queen. Who wants to see their mom picking fights on TV?!

So here I am venting. Ramona (I'm sure you're reading) please decide if you want to be a good role model for your daughter or not. If you just don't like LuAnn and once again just trying to cause a scene, then own it!

Whooo, feels good to get that off my chest!

Thank you!!

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