Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sitter of the Month - May

Rebecca Brave is sitter of the month for May for many reasons! She has been with the company for almost 3 years and virtually accepts every assignment. Rachel chose SOM for May based on whoever completed the most assignments and Rebecca wins with 27 jobs for the month of May! Congratulations Rebecca!

"My name is Rebecca Brave and I was born and raised in South Florida. I
am currently a student at the University of Miami (UM), where I am
majoring in nursing and on the pre-medical track. My immediate plan
following commencement from UM is to work in a hospital as a nurse
anesthetist. Currently, my interests include spending time with my family
(I am the oldest of three children, I have a younger brother and sister),
reading, playing sports, and volunteering. I love working with infants,
toddlers and children. In the past, I have tutored and mentored children at
local elementary and middle schools. Each week, I volunteer at Miami
Children’s Hospital and teach Sunday School to 3 and 4 year olds. I
consider myself to be very bubbly, energetic, flexible, humorous, and
always up for an adventure or challenge"

Rebecca's experience with TBC:
"One of the most memorable experiences that I've had with The Babysitting Company was spending an entire day with two little girls who were visiting for a vacation. From the moment I entered the room, their excitement was intoxicating, especially when they realized that I came bearing toys and activities. I spent the day swimming with them, being the fairy godmother in an enchanted land while they were the princesses that needed to be rescued, and making cards and gifts for their mom's birthday, which was the next day. Although I left after they fell asleep, their parents were so thankful to have a day to themselves and to know that their daughters were enjoying themselves. And I felt great knowing that I helped make it possible."

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