Tuesday, June 28, 2011

TBC Memberships!

Hey Parents! Did you know you can have a The Babysitting Company Membership?! You will enjoy many perks when you sign up for your TBC Membership. First of all, you will get a lower hourly rate, EVERY TIME!

Why else should you get a TBC Membership (WOW! I feel like I'm in an infomercial)?! If you need a babysitter at the spur of a moment, your last minute fee will also be lowered.

When you renew your annual membership, you will receive a 10% discount off the original membership price, every year!

TBC also offers a 6 month "vacation" membership. This is for those of you who are in the area for half of the year and don't need a full year membership. However, you can use your membership in all the cities we are located in (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm beach, Atlanta, New York**, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, Israel).

If this sounds like something you are interested in feel free to email Rachel@thebabysittingcompany.com OR myself Elyssa@thebabysittingcompany.com
**NYC has additional $10 charge after midnight for sitters safe transportation.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Alex's Lemonade Stand

I will never forget the day my first grade teacher came into the classroom with tears in her eyes, a photo in her hand, and her heart broken in half. She told us all to get into a circle and she passed around a photo of a hairless, fair skinned, child. I was only six-years-old, so it was hard to comprehend what was going on. She told us this little boy, who was a previous student of hers, had just passed away from childhood cancer. Although I didn't exactly know what cancer was, I knew it was bad, so bad that a CHILD had to die from it.

This powerful memory has stuck with me for the last 18 years of my life and that is one of the reasons why I decided to become a member of The Lemon Society.

The Lemon Society Philadelphia Chapter, is a group of young adults who are passionate about Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), raising money and increasing awareness for childhood cancer.

"When Alex, who was diagnosed with childhood cancer just before her first birthday, was four, she told her parents she wanted to set up a front-yard lemonade stand. Her plan: to give the money to doctors to help them find a cure. Her first "Alex’s Lemonade Stand" raised an astonishing $2,000 in one day. While bravely fighting her own cancer, Alex continued to set up lemonade stands every year. As news spread of the remarkable girl so dedicated to helping other sick children, people everywhere were inspired to start their own lemonade stands—donating the proceeds to her cause."

Unfortunately Alex passed away in 2004, when she was only eight years old. However, her passion to find a cure for cancer still lives on. This story has not only touched me, but has inspired me as well. I have a blessed life and I am extremely thankful for my health. I hope that we can come together, and raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand. Every child deserves to live a healthy life!

My lemonade stand will be held on July 9, 2011 from 11am-4pm at Everhart Park in West Chester, PA.

If you are also enthusiastic about this cause and are in the Philadelphia area, you can either volunteer or come check out the stand. If you are not in the area you can Click Here to make a donation.

Please remember no donation is too little, Every PENNY counts!

Thank you and much love,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Elyssa's Story

HAPPY JUNE!! Do you know what this means?  The Babysitting Company - Philadelphia is officially open for business!  I am thrilled and honored to be helping Rachel with this branch.

Who am I anyway?  My name is Elyssa Sobel and I was born and raised in the suburbs of Philly, went to college in the suburbs of Philly and right after college I worked at a radio station in Philly.  When I was 22-years-old, I decided I had too much Philly and it was time to branch out, so I packed my bags, and moved to Miami!

When I learned about TBC I was absolutely thrilled! I have been babysitting since I was 12-years-old (I started as a mother's helper), worked at camps, worked in a day care, and I felt as though I have seen it all...as far as babysitting goes.  I knew this job was perfect for me, and that it would help me get settled and feel comfortable in Miami.

You know how they say when one door closes another one opens?  Yea? Well, that certainly rang true with me.  For personal reasons, I decided it was time to call Miami quits and move back to Newtown, PA.  This is how  TBC- Philly has come to be!

I am really excited for my role as Regional Director and happy to see TBC growing!

Although my primary attention is focused in the Northeast, I am always here for any babysitters, clients, business partners, friends, family...anyone who loves TBC is a friend of mine!

I look forward to speaking with you!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sitter of the Month - May

Rebecca Brave is sitter of the month for May for many reasons! She has been with the company for almost 3 years and virtually accepts every assignment. Rachel chose SOM for May based on whoever completed the most assignments and Rebecca wins with 27 jobs for the month of May! Congratulations Rebecca!

"My name is Rebecca Brave and I was born and raised in South Florida. I
am currently a student at the University of Miami (UM), where I am
majoring in nursing and on the pre-medical track. My immediate plan
following commencement from UM is to work in a hospital as a nurse
anesthetist. Currently, my interests include spending time with my family
(I am the oldest of three children, I have a younger brother and sister),
reading, playing sports, and volunteering. I love working with infants,
toddlers and children. In the past, I have tutored and mentored children at
local elementary and middle schools. Each week, I volunteer at Miami
Children’s Hospital and teach Sunday School to 3 and 4 year olds. I
consider myself to be very bubbly, energetic, flexible, humorous, and
always up for an adventure or challenge"

Rebecca's experience with TBC:
"One of the most memorable experiences that I've had with The Babysitting Company was spending an entire day with two little girls who were visiting for a vacation. From the moment I entered the room, their excitement was intoxicating, especially when they realized that I came bearing toys and activities. I spent the day swimming with them, being the fairy godmother in an enchanted land while they were the princesses that needed to be rescued, and making cards and gifts for their mom's birthday, which was the next day. Although I left after they fell asleep, their parents were so thankful to have a day to themselves and to know that their daughters were enjoying themselves. And I felt great knowing that I helped make it possible."