Friday, May 13, 2011

How to Soothe A Crying Baby

It’s 11pm Friday night, the parents left hours ago, and do not plan to return any time soon.  You’re nice and comfortable on the couch, in a comfortable hotel room overlooking the ocean, reading your brand new book.  Then, all of a sudden.... the baby starts to cry.

So, you get up and gently rock him for a while....doesn’t work. Feed him, burp him, change his diaper, everything is failing and you start to panic.  Please do NOT panic, the baby can sense that and it only makes matters worse. Unfortunately, there could be dozens of reasons why the baby is crying, you’re not his mother, nor are you a mind reader. 

Here are the top 5 ways to soothe a crying baby (according to me):
1) Look around the room, if you see a pacifier or a stuffed animal, try giving that to the baby.  These are comfort items that lets the baby know everything is okay, and makes him feel secure. 

2) Swaddle the baby.  Wrap him up in his light blanket nice and secure.  Often newborns like to be bundled up.  I can’t blame them, that’s how they were positioned for the last nine months.

3) Sing to the baby and rock him.  My personal favorite: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. When you are walking and rocking the baby, try a change of scenery. Move into another low lit room or even stand by the window and open it for a little fresh air.

4) If you’re like me, and the singing might make the baby cry more, see if you can find some soothing music to play.  Mozart, opera, or white noises work well.

5) If the baby is teething, you can give him a teething ring and that will soothe the pain.

If all else fails, text or call the parents very calmly.  Let them know the baby woke up, and he’s fine but ask if they have any tips for you to calm him down.  Mommy and Daddy know best!

Elyssa and TBC!

1 comment:

  1. Very well put. Thanks. The baby liked the mom's bed. Two hours of crying. Fed and changed and bathed. Still screaming. All she wanted was her mom. Must have been the scent.
