Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm getting Married!!!

Now that I have your attention, I must share some good news with you (No, no, no, I’m not getting married but stay tuned if you or someone you know has a big day coming up)! 

The Babysitting Company wants to be there for you on your wedding day.  We all love children, but let’s face it; it can be quite the inconvenience having to worry about kids, their feeding schedules, entertaining them, their bedtime, and everything else…. on YOUR special day!  Call TBC and we will send our sitters over to watch the little ones!
We can book a sitter to each hotel room, in a home, or we can have one big room for all the kids and all the sitters! The babysitters will come equipped with games, toys, movies, and treats!  Before the sitters arrive, Rachel (TBC Owner) will send you a full profile of the babysitters to show the guests.

It is also a good idea to use TBC for the rehearsal dinner, and let your guests know they can request the same sitter for their whole stay.

If you request our services ahead of time we can give you a special rate for your special day!

Love always,
Elyssa and TBC

1 comment:

  1. Are you looking for an extra hand to help our with your household and your children?

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    Au Pair companions are international visitors who travel to Australia on a Working or Student Visa to acquire a better understanding and appreciation of Australian life while living with an Australian family and caring for their young children. They become full-fledged family members, sharing a cultural exchange experience, which often leads to a lasting relationship with the host family.

    Should you be interested in hosting an Au Pair, please email our friendly team and we will answer all your questions.

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