Friday, April 29, 2011

Feedback from Babysitter, Nicole

I will never forget my first assignment with The Babysitting Company. A family of five stayed in Miami Beach for 10 days. I remember Rachel calling me and saying: “Are you ready for your first assignment?” Although this wasn’t my first babysitting experience, for me it felt like my first day at school! I cleaned my shoes, ironed my clothes and filled my bag with tons of toys and games.

As soon as I arrived to the hotel I saw two beautiful children running around the lobby. Their father approached me and said, “Are you the babysitter?” I responded, “Yes, I am the babysitter.” And with a big smile on his face he said: “You have saved my day!”  That same day we went to the beach and we ate at a great restaurant. Every day we did different activities, like going to the zoo and even shopping. It was the best babysitting experience ever! From that moment I knew I was representing the best babysitting company.

Thanks to Rachel I am a proud babysitter of The Babysitting Company.
-Nicole Rivera

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

TBC is Hiring!

The Babysitting Company is a fully insured and licensed babysitting company that sends sitters out to resorts, hotels, residences, events, etc.

Joining TBC is super easy and extremely rewarding.  You will work with some amazing people, make good money, and you can work around your busy schedule.  If you have school, other jobs, etc. you can work part time.  We also have full time jobs available too!  Can it get any better?

TBC has several locations, and is really excited to launch Philadelphia and Atlantic City in June 2011.  Please check out the website at, and if you have any questions feel free to contact me at

Please note, that if you do decide to become a babysitter there are no commitments, unless you do confirm a job.  So if you are interested, let me know and I can send you the application and guidelines.

If you have any friends, family, co-workers, etc. that might be interested in babysitting please let them know about TBC! Spread the word, we are SO excited, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you,
Elyssa and TBC

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

TBC Locations

One of the MANY, MANY perks of The Babysitting Company is that we have so many locations!  At all of our locations, we offer all the same services (weekend sitters, nannies, last minute, traveling, etc). We have sitters in Florida, New York, Washington, D.C., Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix, Denver, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.  We even offer our services overseas, in London, Israel, and Australia. AND…I am VERY excited to announce that we will soon have sitters in Philadelphia and Atlantic City!
Our headquarters are in South Florida (Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties).  Here we have over 300 sitters waiting for your call (in the least creepiest way possible).  At the other locations we do not have as many sitters, so reservations are limited.
At all of our locations sitters are familiar with the hotels and locations so therefore they can create fun activities, in and outside the hotel.  The hotel staff gets to know our sitters, so your children will definitely be in a safe and friendly environment.
When booking your next babysitter make sure to ask about TBC Membership Program. Generally, it allows for special rates and service fees at any location!

Elyssa and TBC

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm getting Married!!!

Now that I have your attention, I must share some good news with you (No, no, no, I’m not getting married but stay tuned if you or someone you know has a big day coming up)! 

The Babysitting Company wants to be there for you on your wedding day.  We all love children, but let’s face it; it can be quite the inconvenience having to worry about kids, their feeding schedules, entertaining them, their bedtime, and everything else…. on YOUR special day!  Call TBC and we will send our sitters over to watch the little ones!
We can book a sitter to each hotel room, in a home, or we can have one big room for all the kids and all the sitters! The babysitters will come equipped with games, toys, movies, and treats!  Before the sitters arrive, Rachel (TBC Owner) will send you a full profile of the babysitters to show the guests.

It is also a good idea to use TBC for the rehearsal dinner, and let your guests know they can request the same sitter for their whole stay.

If you request our services ahead of time we can give you a special rate for your special day!

Love always,
Elyssa and TBC

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Interviewing Tips

The Babysitting Company may help you connect with the perfect family, but the family has the final say if you get the job or not.  I found my Nanny job through TBC, but the mother (and even the kids) interviewed me and several other prospects before I was chosen. Check out these interviewing tips, to help you land that perfect job!

(Families- Use this blog to know what to base your interview on!)

The interview actually starts with the phone call.  Right off the bat, the parent(s) will pay attention to your phone etiquette and manners.  So, be polite and professional! Although you may be in your pajamas and have a face mask on, just pretend you are already on your interview and not talking to a friend!

After you schedule the “real” interview make sure you are 10-15 minutes early.  Personally, I check on-line first to see how far the home is, leave 10 minutes for traffic, and leave an additional 10 minutes for getting lost (even with a GPS I still manage to get lost).  If you are late for an interview, you might be late for work, and who wants someone working for them that is late?!  You know what they say, arriving early is on time, and arriving on time is late!

When you walk into the house, shake hands with everyone you meet.  Show respect by taking off your shoes, wash your hands (you’re with kids), ask where you should put your belongings and ask to sit if the interviewer does not tell you to have a seat first.

If you meet the kids when you are there, interact with them as you would at the job. The interviewer might purposely bring the kids in the room to see if they like you, so be cheerful, fun, and enthusiastic. Take clues from the parents and the children as to how you should act. If the children are shy and reserved, try to make them feel comfortable and engaged.

Make sure you are dressed in interview appropriate clothing.  By dressing appropriate, you show you care and want the job.  Also, first impressions are very important, and although we hate to admit it, first impressions are partially based on clothing attire, neatness and hygiene. Don't wear a lot of jewelry and limit the amount of scents or perfume that you are wearing.

When asked why you want this job, please don’t answer that you are desperate for
money.  Talk about your passion and love for kids.  Then back it up with experiences!

When leaving the interview, be sure to shake the interviewers hand again. It would even be a great idea to shake the little ones hands too!  Tell them, “thank you for the interview; I am looking forward to hearing from you.”  If you are feeling really prestigious, you can even write the family a follow up email stating that you are thankful for the interview!

Elyssa and TBC

Monday, April 4, 2011

March Sitter's of the Month

Without a doubt the honor of Sitter of the Month has to be given to the sitter that goes above and beyond what they are asked to do, a sitter that always is energetic, positive, upbeat and represents them self and the company in the most positive and professional manner. Taking all of those characteristics into consideration, the Sitter of the Month must transform into the SITTERS of the Month for the month of March.

The 2 sitters that win the title are Melinda Jakab and Nicole Rivera. There is not a reservation that Melinda and Nicole complete where the family doesn't send a personal note thanking us for their wonderful sitter. Melinda and Nicole always go above and beyond that is asked of them, even sacrificing their own personal plans so that they can accommodate our busy clients schedules and vacation plans.

Melinda and Nicole are fun, outgoing and very friendly. They put both children and parents at ease and are always asked back for future reservations, even when they are not scheduled for more than one day with a family and they always make it work!
I hope that Melinda and Nicole enjoy their Sitter of the Month gifts! They deserve it!

-Rachel Charlupski (Owner of TBC)

Please contact TBC if you would like to book Melinda as your sitter!

Please contact TBC if you would like to book Nicole as your sitter!