Thursday, June 28, 2012

Operation Bedtime

The task can be daunting but it is achievable…dun dun dun.…BEDTIME!! We want to make it our goal and mission to have the children sleeping when the parents come home (within reason) and this blog is devoted to helping babysitters do so. As a parent, what tips do you recommend for your babysitter when putting the children to bed?

If you need to and if it makes you feel more comfortable, start the process early.  Give yourself extra time for, “I want my Mommy,”  “Daddy lets me eat cookies before bed,” or “Just one more story,” sometimes it’s hard to turn that one down.  At times, it is okay to allow one more book before bed, but always remember that YOU are in charge!

Routine is important.  If it wasn’t already covered, ask the parents if they have a bedtime routine for the kids, and try to follow that to the best of your ability.

Stay calm and relaxed, if you stress, they stress. For younger children and babies, I find that singing lullabies sooths and calms them.  If the crying stops then they are able to fall asleep. For babies under the age of two, rocking them to sleep works too.  I have even put babies in their strollers, and rocked them to sleep that way.  Even if babies are tired, they get to a certain age, and tend to fight falling asleep.  Talk to the parents and see what they recommend.  Some babies need the white noise machine, a special blanket, etc.  I have even babysat babies who needed to be rocked “roughly.”

Some parents suggest that you use the Ferber Method.  This method teaches the baby to self soothe themselves to sleep.  This means that you put the baby in their crib (even if they are crying) awake and let them put themselves to sleep.  The amount of time you let the baby cry varies, so just talk to the parents and see what they advise.  It could be ten minutes to an hour.  Have you used the Ferber Method? How did this work for you?

Recently, we have had a family share that their whole vacation was better because their children had a better nights sleep because the sitter had the children sleeping at a reasonable hour.  As we all know, a good night’s sleep can make it or break it, especially for children! Go ahead and share your suggestions, the more the merrier!

Sweet Dreams!

Elyssa and The Babysitting Company

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