Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bilingual Babies!

I was tired ALL day and now that it is finally time to go to sleep, I can't! With that said, I am watching DVR'd episodes of "Bethenny Ever After".  If you watch Bethenny, you know she has an adorable, delicious little girl, Bryn. This particular episode sparked a blog idea for me when Bethenny takes Bryn (about 21-months-old at the time) to Spanish class. 

I thought, is it a good idea to teach a child how to speak Spanish at such a young age? Should she get the English thing down first? Is it TOO much and overwhelming?, I don't think so!  I think it's a great idea to teach your child how to speak Spanish as an infant.  I am not a language specialist, doctor, heck I don't even know Spanish.  But, as always, I have an opinion.  As a monolingual, I really do wish I knew a second language, especially Spanish.  It appears that by the time these infants grow up, Spanish will be the first language in the United States.

Lifetime Moms recently wrote a blog called The Benefits of Being Bilingual (9 tips to get your kid started).  The article states, "Although some parents worry that bilingualism will confuse children and create language delays, researchers believe that neurlogical conflict actually helps kids become better problem solvers. Switching between languages encourages a flexibility of mind and increases the ability focus. Bilinguals may even have a reduced risk of Alzheimer's." The article is interesting and I definitely recommend this as a must-read!

Does your child know a second language in an English-speaking household? What are your thoughts on this subject? TBC has many babysitters who are fluent in second languages who can tutor your children and teach them additional languages.

As always we can't wait to hear from you!

Elyssa and TBC

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

June Interviews

I look forward to meeting you and your friends and telling you all about The Babysitting Company! The interview/ information session schedule is below as well as commonly asked questions about the sessions! In attendance will will also be sitters who are already registered and have been working with the company to provide their take on working with TBC. Of course, if you have any questions, please let me know! I am always available by phone and by e-mail (contact info below).

Mark your calendars!! You MUST RSVP BY E-MAIL (copy and paste the form at the bottom of the e-mail) that you will be attending. You are welcome to get  CPR certified somewhere else (just not online). 

You are welcome to bring any friends, they will also need to RSVP too! Remember, if you do not show up to your scheduled interview and you do not let us know that you won’t be attending, you will not be invited to another one.

What To Bring:
You don’t have to bring anything with you to the interviews, however, if you want to get started on your file, you can bring:
-Copy of your Resume
-Completed Application (attached)
-Copy of your Drivers License or Photo ID

Interview/ Information Session (YOU ONLY NEED TO COME FOR ONE DAY!)
You will get all of the information for the company and everything will be explained in detail! You will also meet registered sitters of TBC and be able to take your CPR class right after. By coming to this session, you will be 99% done with your file and ready to begin awesome babysitting jobs very soon!

CPR Certifcation
The Babysitting Company offers CPR certifications at a discounted rate of $35 (new certifications) and $25 for renewals. You are welcome to bring anyone with you to this class.

*Please copy and paste the form below as a reply to this e-mail.
Interview Date (6/3, 6/9):
CPR (Y/N):

Location: Marriott Residence Inn, Aventura 19900 West Country Club Drive  Aventura, FL 33180 (786) 528-1001- PARKING IS FREE 
Date: Sunday June 3rd (6/3)
10 AM Information Session/ Interview
11:30 AM CPR

Date: Saturday June 9rd (6/9)
10 AM Information Session/ Interview
11:30 AM CPR

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Marketing Partnerships

Attention: marketers, business owners, and friends! Do you think you share the same audiences as The Babysitting Company? If so, we would love to form a marketing partnership for no cost.  Yep, it's completely FREE!  We will promote you in our blog that is linked to our Facebook and twitter which has over 900 followers.  All we ask for in return is that you share information about TBC with your followers.

If you love TBC and our blog please note that we will only work with companies and businesses that we truly believe in. We will only recommend and write about the best of the best!

If you have any questions or want to partner with us please email

Elyssa and TBC

Friday, May 25, 2012

Coughing, Sneezing, Sore Throats, OH MY!

Aaaachoooo! Right in my face, thanks! Us babysitters here at TBC know that it is a risk working with kids because they are so prone to getting sick.  I am actually quite thankful I chose to work with kids, because I think that is one reason why I have built a strong immune system. Not to mention that I live my life by, "an apple a day, keeps the doctor away." Although, snot, coughs, and froggies in the throat are side effects of the job. Vomit, diarrhea, the flu, fevers, strep, and so on, are things we need to be prepared for. So please, if your child is sick let us know beforehand. 
TBC enforces the fact, that babysitters will not work if they are sick. When we are sick, we simply are not capable to work at the energy levels  that are necessary to have with kids. Most importantly, we do not want to get anyone else sick and we hope that you would do the same. 
We know that there are different levels of sickness, and situations where it is necessary to have a babysitter. So, we ask that you tell us so we can be prepared. We have babysitters who have experience, certificates, and degrees dealing with illnesses and we can certainly try to place an appropriate sitter for you. We would also like to give the babysitter a heads up so they can take emergen-c, or any other necessary precautions. 
When you leave your sick child with TBC be sure to expect the best and attentive sitter. We will keep you updated with the child's temperature, behavior, activity, etc.  If the sitter needs to give the child medicine, the sitter can come prepared with a waiver for you to sign.

As you can see, there are so many reasons why it is important to let us know ahead of time if your child is sick and the details about it. But...let's hope this doesn't happen, eat your fruits and veggies!  

Stay healthy!!!

Elyssa and TBC 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

June Interview Session

I look forward to meeting you and your friends and telling you all about The Babysitting Company! The interview/ information session schedule is below as well as commonly asked questions about the sessions! In attendance will will also be sitters who are already registered and have been working with the company to provide their take on working with TBC. Of course, if you have any questions, please let me know! I am always available by phone and by e-mail (contact info below).

Mark your calendars!! You MUST RSVP BY E-MAIL (copy and paste the form at the bottom of the e-mail) that you will be attending. You are welcome to get  CPR certified somewhere else (just not online). 

You are welcome to bring any friends, they will also need to RSVP too! Remember, if you do not show up to your scheduled interview and you do not let us know that you won’t be attending, you will not be invited to another one.

What To Bring:
You don’t have to bring anything with you to the interviews, however, if you want to get started on your file, you can bring:
-Copy of your Resume
-Completed Application (attached)
-Copy of your Drivers License or Photo ID

Interview/ Information Session (YOU ONLY NEED TO COME FOR ONE DAY!)
You will get all of the information for the company and everything will be explained in detail! You will also meet registered sitters of TBC and be able to take your CPR class right after. By coming to this session, you will be 99% done with your file and ready to begin awesome babysitting jobs very soon!

CPR Certifcation
The Babysitting Company offers CPR certifications at a discounted rate of $35 (new certifications) and $25 for renewals. You are welcome to bring anyone with you to this class.

*Please copy and paste the form below as a reply to this e-mail.
Interview Date (6/3, 6/9):
CPR (Y/N):

Location: Marriott Residence Inn, Aventura 19900 West Country Club Drive  Aventura, FL 33180 (786) 528-1001- PARKING IS FREE 
Date: Sunday June 3rd (6/3)
10 AM Information Session/ Interview
11:30 AM CPR

Date: Saturday June 9rd (6/9)
10 AM Information Session/ Interview
11:30 AM CPR