Thursday, August 18, 2011

Interview FAQ's

Q: What is the interview?
A: The interview is a chance for me to get to meet you and put a face to the name. I want to know you the best I can so I can set you up with the right families to babysit for. It's also a chance for you to get to know me and The Babysitting Company (TBC) and decide if this is something you want to do. The interview is actually more like an information session. I will go over what TBC does, who we are, and what you need to do to complete your file with TBC. This is also a great opportunity for you to ask as many questions as you want, even though we are always available to help you.

Q: What should I bring to the interview?
A: At this time all you really need to bring is yourself, a pen and paper if you want to take notes, and a positive attitude. 

Q:How do I know where to find you when I show up?
A: I usually wear my black, short sleeved, TBC t-shirt.  And of course you can call if the session has not started yet. Make sure you know who you are meeting for your interview.

Tara: (954)734-5221

If it is at a hotel please ask the front desk where the meeting will be held. Please do not call us when the interview has already started.

Q:Where are the interviews held?
A: We meet in public places because we meet with clients all day and it is nice to have a change of scenery. We meet in hotels because we need a larger place where everyone can feel comfortable. 

Q: Why are TBC interviews in Miami only held in Fort Lauderdale?
All interviews are held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida because it can be accessed easily by I-95. Group interviews have worked out really well and they maximize the information that you will receive during the information session. Someone may ask a question that is relevant to you! It is also great to meet sitters that currently work with TBC. Although interviews are held in Fort Lauderdale, you choose the area where you take jobs. So, you only need to come to Fort Lauderdale once and then you can stay in whichever area you want to work.

Q: Can I bring a friend to the interview?
A: Absolutely, the more the merrier. If possible, please make sure they reserve a spot ahead of time.

Q: Who else comes to the interview?
A: There can be up to 25 potential new sitters at an interview and up to 10 current sitters. Current TBC sitters come to the interviews to freshen up on new policies and give their input on their jobs!

Q: What do I wear?
A: We are a casual company, but please dress respectful. Wear what you would wear when babysitting. Use your best judgment.

Q: How long are the interviews?
A: In Miami, the interview sessions are 1.5 hours long, but leave 2 hours just in case. In other locations, the small group interviews, last about 30 minutes.

Q: Do I have to take the CPR class at the interview?
A: No, you do not have to take the CPR class at the interview but you will be required to show a valid CPR certification to complete your file and begin working. The CPR certification has to be from an "in person" class, not online. The CPR class that we offer is at a discounted rate and everyone says it is a lot of fun.

Q: What happens after the interview?
A:I will send you an e-mail with the application, guidelines, and a checklist of things you need to do in order to complete your file. After you complete your file, you are ready to go on assignments. First you will have a trial assignment, and work with an experienced sitter.

*FYI: If you RSVP and you cannot attend the interview, let us know as soon as possible. If you do not show up at your scheduled session, you will not be permitted to attend another TBC interview. Do not show up late. Plan your route and parking ahead of time. If you are late we will ask you to leave.

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