Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Christmas, you must admit this time of year is pretty magical. The holidays are VERY special for children. Receiving presents, enjoying time with family, creating traditions, and eating treats, c'mon, what's better than that?
In the Sobel household we celebrated Hanukkah the same every year. We would eat a very filling homemade dinner (which usually included latkes AKA potato pancakes, challah, matzo ball soup, and/or brisket and gelt aka chocolate money for dessert). Followed by the lighting of the menorah and singing of prayers. As kids, we would all take turns each night lighting the menorah -- because we were allowed to "play" with fire, this was very exciting to us! After all of this, we would all gather in the family room and open presents!
Last year, I was away from my family and got to celebrate Hanukkah with my boyfriend and his family. It was pretty much the same thing that I was use to with my family, same food, same prayers...until...they got up to DANCE! Although, I was a bit embarrassed and unprepared at first, I am now very excited for their tradition. My boyfriend and his family look forward to dancing and singing each year, and that is amazing. Have you ever been faced with a new tradition, how did you handle it? Do you have any family traditions? Please share!
Check out some of these great holiday recipes, crafts, and stories to enhance your holiday experience! From school, peers, television, etc. your children probably have questions about the other holidays that are celebrated in December. Embrace diversity, and try some of these great activities that you usually wouldn't do at home.

Did you check out our Holiday Guide yet? If you need a last minute gift, gift certificates from The Babysitting Company make GREAT stocking stuffers for mom and dad!
We want to wish you a wonderful, joyful, safe, and happy holiday!!
Elyssa and The Babysitting Company

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