Friday, March 25, 2011

Traveling With a Babysitter

It’s that time of year again!  Wait, who am I kidding? It’s always that time of year, time for a vacation!! Don’t forget your toothbrush, socks, bathing suit, and your babysitter!!! Yes, a babysitter is necessary when traveling with kids. 
You know it is safe and legitimate when you use TBC services, because our sitters are completely background checked, drug tested, cpr certified and many are also lifeguards.  Please visit for a full list of qualifications.  You can even request a sitter that has experience traveling with families, or even a specific sitter that you know.  If you are looking for someone in particular, you should try and give her some notice so she can plan accordingly.  However, TBC recognizes we sometimes need to travel last minute, and we can accommodate those needs as well.
Having a babysitter on vacation (or business trip) with you, will allow for a more relaxing trip (as it should be).  This past winter I traveled to Colorado with the family I nanny for.  Time to time, the 3-year-old would be too tired to join the family for dinner. It was nice for them to have the peace of mind knowing that they could still go out and their child is safe and sound at the house (or hotel).  Having a sitter also allows for adult time.  After a long day of skiing, it was nice that the parents could go out together and enjoy the town. Overall, having a babysitter with you allows for a more flexible trip.
Parents: You should give your sitter a few hours off each day so she can have some privacy and alone time.  This is important so the sitter doesn’t get overwhelmed and it shows her that you care.  When I went to Colorado, I had free time during the day while the family was skiing.   It was very relaxing, and exciting to get to see a new city!
Babysitters:  If you are unsure about something, just ask! It is better to ask questions than to just assume.  Ask what you should pack, as you never know what special events the family might have planned!
If you are a babysitter and have traveled with a family before, let us know how it went!  If you are a parent and have traveled with a babysitter before, you should share your stories too!
If you have ANY questions, please post right here and I will write back ASAP!

Safe travels,
Elyssa and The babysitting Company
PS: I am going to Disney World this weekend with the family I sit for (can’t complain)!


  1. Hotels often have Kids Clubs but the staff isn't able to give your children 1 on 1 attention. It is great for your kids to have their sitter with them so that they can get their undivided attention for fun and safety all day!

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